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Version: 0.8.3

Global management

Checking system health

The following query returns an Empty response or an error code depending on the status of the database:


If you receive an error code, we recommend you to connect to the host and check logs. If the server has crashed, you may need to recover the database.

Inspecting global state

The following query provides a quick overview of the global system state, including users, spaces and settings:


This will return a JSON like this:

"spaces": ["prodApp1", "prodApp2"],
"users": ["root", "staging_app_server", "prod_app_server"],
"settings": {}
  • spaces: lists all the spaces in the system
  • users: lists all users
    Access control note

    This is only returned if you are the root user. Standard users cannot see the other users in the system

  • settings: returns system settings (currently an empty dictionary is returned)