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Version: 0.7.5

Configuration basics

Skytable can be configured to a great degree, depending on your requirements. You can configure Skytable using:

Deployment mode

Skytable uses the idea of a dev and prod mode to make configuration during deployment easier. The dev/prod mode setting can be changed by using your preferred mode of configuration, as listed above.

dev mode

The dev mode allows you to use any configuration without any hard checks. This is suitable for use during development

prod mode

In this mode, you are required to use the settings that we recommend for production usage. This includes strict requirements on BGSAVE, TLS and snapshot settings. Here's what's required for production:

Maximum connectionsMust be lesser than or equal to the resource limits set for that process (on Unix)
Terminal artworkDisabled
Snapshot failsafeSet to `true
TLSAtleast insecure TCP+TLS multi-socket mode or TLS-only mode must be enabled. If authn/authz is enabled, then TLS-only mode must be enabled